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One Health Institute

About Us


It is the vision of the OHI to be the incubator and active driver for a new open science culture at UZH and to become a place where scientists across disciplines create new conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and translational innovations in a systems-oriented approach while interacting with other stakeholders (politics, citizens, media, etc.).

The OHI will form partnerships with local research organizations. From the start, we will also extend invitations to international One Health researchers, including those from the UNA Europa One Health network, to contribute to OHI's teaching activities such as summer schools and seminar series. Simultaneously, OHI researchers will actively participate in ongoing UNA Europa One Health activities, including teaching activities by providing MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Looking ahead, our long-term goals involve initiating research collaborations with international partners to address critical Global Health research inquiries. These may encompass topics like limited healthcare resources, the implementation of new technologies in healthcare, and the global determinants of health. By undertaking such endeavors, we aim to make substantial contributions to the field of global health and find solutions to pressing challenges. 

The OHI will offer curricular teaching activities, special courses and seminars for PhD and Dr. med/vet candidates, summer schools, and exchange programs. Additional aspects of One Health, e.g. ethics, environmental sciences, law will also be represented. In the coming years, the OHI will establish a Master’s program open to life science students.